Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015

Hey there!

Hey there!

Do you know this feeling, when you're super-bored during the summer break? I do.

I finished school in december and now I'm waiting for september to come, when I start my studies. I've not been sitting around all the time of course! I did an internship in an hospital for four months. And now I've been doing nothin for another two. I never used to be one of the kids who liked the summer brake, after three weeks or so I was just BORED. And I live in Switzerland so the holidays were only six weeks, oh boy, I would have died if they were any longer.

So now I alredy did two months without getting bored and I can't go on like this any longer! Thats why I've dicided to start a blog about what to do so your holidays don't seam unbareable long.

Here's my firts question for you: Should I write in English or German? German is my mothertongue but I belive my English is not too bad either.

Sooo.... see you later!

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